Ok, so due to the unusual amount of snow that was dropped on South Carolina about a week ago, Darlington County School District was out of school for the entire week. Usually, when we get snow it is gone the next day. This time, however, the temperature didn't go up! It didn't get above freezing until Wednesday. Then, it was barely above freezing. By the time Thursday got here, the snow and ice was still there. Then, it melted a little but froze again and has repeated the cycle over and over all week. So, as you can imagine, that posed a problem for busses. Now, I absolutely love snow but by Friday (yesterday), I was plenty ready for it to just melt. Friday was considered a teacher work day, so my parents had to work but I was still out of a job. However, I got to spend all day with 2 kids (one of which was celebrating her 11th birthday!!!).
Now, my morning started off pretty good. I got ready and got in my car only to find out that my "Check Engine" light was on. Now, many of you know that my luck with cars has not been good at all lately. So, this put a damper on the morning. However, I was still looking forward to my surprise birthday breakfast that I was getting ready to make. We got back to the house and proceeded to make Chocolate Chip Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I decided that we were not going to follow the recipe for pancakes in the amount of chocolate chips we added. So, I allowed the birthday girl to pour the chocolate chips in. We ended up adding about 2 or 3 times the amount we were supposed to. That made the pancakes so much better! HA! We then walked out to my back yard (which let me tell you was still covered in snow and ice on FRIDAY!). The land behind my house is a Natural Reserve so no one will ever hunt or build back there. It is all woods! I used to live out in the woods with friends so I decided that the kids would love to be outside for a little while (especially since the extra chocolate chips were starting to kick in). We walked out the back gate and I immediately said, "It looks like Narnia!" to which one responded, "Can we go find the Snow Queen?" So, we walked through the woods to Black Creek looking for the Snow Queen the whole time. :)
Afterwards, we met up with their mom and had dinner. Can I tell you that I absolutely love their family and Ms. Montgomery met us as well. So, for those of you who have never experienced Montgomery/Blankenship/Flowers, you will either run for your lives or never want to leave. It was so much fun laughing and cutting up with them.
Countdown to Australia: 1 month and 3 days. :) I have booked my flight, my visa has been accepted, and my classes are lined up. Now, all I have to do is wait for Feb. 18 (very patiently of course......)