So, since the end of the semester is approaching, I have had to buckle down on my studying. This semester hasn't been too strenuous b/c most of my grade depends on my exam. Uh oh... That means that during the entire semester I was supposed to be reading and studying to prepare? Oopss... :) Well, while I may joke saying that I haven't done much, I really have kept up with my schoolwork pretty well (definitely considering I am in AUSTRALIA with a lot of distractions!). But, since I only have 3 weeks before my exams start, I really feel like I should put even more emphasis on my class readings and studies. Naturally, that means I have been finding more ways to procrastinate (Isn't that always how it goes? You decide to study more and end up finding more things to distract you? It's weird.) Anyway, my current distraction has been American Idol. Yes... I am definitely a fan. I love music and singing (and even though I am an ok singer, I am definitely NO American Idol.). So, since I love music and singing, I love the last few episodes of the show. You know the ones where the people are actually really good and have wonderful voices? I don't particularly care for the first few episodes where there are people trying out whose friends and family should have told them to look elsewhere for their calling. Well... I could not decide on who I wanted to win this season, because I loved both. I will say that I did like Scotty's deep singing voice! Definitely Josh Turner-ish... :) So, American Idol then led me to doing a little catching up on my favorite former American Idol winner, Carrie Underwood. Can you tell I am a country music fan? While hearing all of her new songs (that I LOVE), I also found out that she is going to be in the movie Soul Surfer. If you have not heard anything about the movie, it is definitely one to see! The movie trailers and interviews will leave you inspired and believe that with God anything is possible, so I can not even imagine how the movie will leave you! I can not wait to go see it in theaters! Anyway, in one of the interviews, Carrie was giving a recipe for a personal pizza. Since I have been trying to come up with new lunch options (I'm getting a little tired of sandwiches) that are healthy, this seemed like the perfect recipe to try. It is delicious and not bad for you at all! I have a feeling I will definitely be bringing that recipe back home. :)
Ok... Don't think I have been in my room watching American Idol and listening to music all day. You know Australia has way more to offer than that! I have been taking swing dance classes and attended a hip-hop/jazz dance class last week. They are both so much fun! Also, I have gotten in the habit of spending Sundays in the city before going to church. This Sunday I ended up going to the city and walking around for a few hours in Rundle Mall as well as doing my devotion in a coffee shop. Sundays have always been my favorite day of the week, so I'm glad that I've found a way to enjoy my Sundays here in Australia like I do at home. After a wonderful church service, a nice woman took me to the bus stop so that I did not have to walk about a 1/4 mile to the bus. So, now that I have finally gotten in a schedule that I enjoy, it is almost time for me to leave!
So, I have been doing a couple different devotionals (Rick Warren on and a daily one from Jesus Calling). That time with God daily definitely keeps me in good spirits and I can tell when my time has been cut short! So, I want to leave with a message from Jesus Calling that I absolutely love!: "Approach each new day with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. There are hidden treasures strategically placed along the way. Some of the treasures are trials, designed to shake you free from earth-shackles. Others are blessings that reveal My Presence: sunshine, flowers, birds, friendships, answered prayer. I have not abandoned this sin-wracked world; I am still richly present in it. Search for deep treasure as you go through this day. You will find Me all along the way." So often I find myself just going through the day without paying much attention to things around me. I'm in a hurry to get to my next class or I'm trying to get back to my room to get some work done. After reading that, I have been trying to pay attention to everything around me. If God has placed treasures around me, I want to see and experience them!!! :)
Have a great week everyone!