1. First experience with not so nice LA people (ok that was on the way over, but I'm still counting it.) and sprinting to the next terminal to barely make my next flight.
2. Pat-downs in security. It's become a habit of mine to be "patted down". Apparently even though my cardiologist (Who by the way has a DR. in front of his name and a good bit of experience with pacemaker patients) has told me that I can go through metal detectors, the people working security do not allow it. So, I am mentally preparing myself for feeling a little bit violated. :-)
3. Jet-lag. I'm really dreading that feeling again.
4. Late luggage and HOT Australian summer weather in SC winter weather clothing.
5. O-week! Meeting amazing people who I would grow closer to through my time here!
6. Classes... Really BIG classes at that....
7. Public transportation --> First time ever, but I've gotten pretty comfortable with it now! Plus, I'm really good at reading bus schedules now! :)
8. Tonsley Nights
9. Sydney and New Zealand! Both AMAZING.
10. Hillsong One Day Conference! Life changing is the only way to describe that day!!
11. Barossa Valley tour
12. Millicent/ Mt. Gambier trip with Tess!
13. SUATVAC and exam weeks with good food, studying, and a healthy portion of procrastination
14. Sports... Sports... Sports...
Now, I'm in my last few hours here and am wondering where the time went! There definitely have been times that I thought today would never get here, but now that the time has come I'm wondering how those 4 months went by so fast. There are so many places I still wanted to see and so many things I wanted to do. Guess that means I have to come back for a visit at some point Australian friends! My experience in Australia has been one that I will never forget and will always cherish. I was told by several people that I would come back a different person. Looking back I can say that is partially true yet not completely. I am still the SAME person with the same values, joys, struggles, personality, etc. with a good bit of acquired confidence, independence, experiences, and a stronger relationship with God! Although I will miss all of my friends here, I look forward to going home and seeing all of my friends and family as well as experience all God has in store for my future!