Friday, February 25, 2011

How you going?

So, in Australia, instead of saying "How are you doing?" Or "How are you?", they say "How you going?" Now you can imagine my confusion when I was first asked that and I didn't know where I was supposed to be going or how I was going. I thought about it and then it dawned on me what they meant. So, if I come back in July and ask you "How you going?" you will know what I mean by that! :)

Now, my days are starting to run together, but I'm going to do my best to recap all that has been going on.

Tuesday, Feb. 22 @ 10:02 PM
There was this really neat dinner for international night where they had food from several different countries. That meant that there was more food there than there has been all week. Thank goodness! I tried a lot of different foods but didn't eat much of them. I did like the sushi that they provided. :) There was also a really good gyro, but that was a meal in itself! Now, the food was good but the entertainment was even better. After we ate, they had dancers performing dances from different countries. My favorite were the Brazilian dances. Several of the moves were Zumba moves! (Thank you Lucia!)

Wed, Feb. 23
So, we rode a bus to the city today and it was absolutely gorgeous. I finally got a phone for while I'm here since everyone has been asking for my number so that I don't get left behind. However, well... I haven't had much time to get one since I've been here. So, while we were at the mall I ran to get a prepaid phone. While on the plane, I learned that Adelaide is known as the "city of Churches". There really were a lot of gorgeous stone churches throughout town. I took a few pictures of them but I mostly took pictures for the scavenger hunt we were doing.

After we got back to from the city, we went to a party called "GI Joes and Ms. Commandos". It was a lot of fun and everyone was dressed up in all of their army attire. Now, I don't know about any of you, but I have never heard the song "Eagle Rock". Well, there is a first for everything, and thankfully I was warned before the song came on. Every time this song comes on, everyone drops their pants and continues to dance to the remainder of the song with their pants at their ankles. OK! Now, there was no way I was going to drop my pants and dance to a song! So, awkward experience #1. All of the Americans were just standing around looking at the people with their pants at their ankles dancing.

Thurs. Feb 24
Today, the Hall provided lunch for all of the international students. They had several different types of food and drinks unique to South Australia. There was kangaroo (which was really pretty good), kabobs, Ginger Beer (Ginger Ale but smoother), Farmers Union Iced Coffee (iced coffee in a milk carton!), and several different unique desserts. Sabrina and I split a good bit of the desserts, because we wanted to try them but did not want to eat an entire one. Oh, there is also something called veggiemite. It is a type of spread for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that did not taste very good to me. Supposedly it is an acquired taste. I don't think I can acquire a taste for that (definitely not in only 4 months).

After lunch, we had messy games and then a group of us went to Marion Shopping Center to grab groceries and other necessities. On the weekends, the dining hall is closed so we have to fend for ourselves. Now, I have no fridge in my room. There is only the community kitchen fridge that smells SO bad when you open the door. I don't want my food tasting like that smell!!! So, I bought a few snack foods and a package of noodles. Looks like I'm going to be eating a lot of plain noodles for the next few months, because I can NOT afford to eat out a lot. Like I said, everything is really expensive! I did buy a bathing suit for swimming for a relatively decent price. I needed a one piece b/c two pieces are not exactly easy to dive in when you're racing. So, I can start training with them at 6 AM Monday morning! I also am playing tennis tomorrow morning. I love being able to play sports for the hall and it keeps me active! :)

Friday, Feb. 25
Tennis was amazing! I loved getting back into it and I haven't been able to do any exercise routine since I got here so it felt great getting back into a routine. I was a little rusty but started getting it back by the end of the practice. I had to borrow racquets because mine wouldn't fit in my suitcase though, so my parents are supposed to be mailing my racquet and I will hopefully get it soon! The hall provided a BBQ lunch for us again today (I'm taking advantage of the free food right now because there won't be any later!) A group of people on the hall had a nerf gun war tonight and it was hilarious to watch. They were running around on all of the floors for hours! I didn't have a gun, so they couldn't shoot me so I walked around and just observed (and gave a few hints) the entire time.

Well, I just got back from a nice run around campus! I forgot that everything is closed on Saturdays so I went to the main campus (where I knew people would be) since I wanted to run in a crowded area. WRONG! Everything (including all shops) were closed. So, I ran back to the hall and decided to run the main road toward the tennis courts. There were people playing tennis so I decided to run around the courts and other sports fields. That way, I knew there were people near. So, with all of the hills that I ran up, it was a pretty good workout! Now, we have a group getting ready to go to the beach for the afternoon before Scribble Party tonight! We are supposed to wear a white t-shirt and have everyone write on them.
Church in downtown Adelaide
Sunset on the beach! (First one I've seen)

Monday, February 21, 2011


Ok, I mentioned earlier that the portion sizes are a lot smaller than ours. I'm thinking that it is because Americans have HUGE portions. No wonder they see us as pigs. (Someone asked me at dinner last night why I didn't get more food b/c I was American and was supposed to load my plate up.) Anyway, not only are the portions smaller. It is also really weird not seeing a fast food place every time I turn around. They do not have many fast food places at all! It is crazy (but not a bad thing)! Also, everything is extremely expensive here! Their minimum wage is $15/hour so their prices are also jacked high. Hmm... I might think about a job while I'm here. HA! So, we don't have anything especially big tonight except for the International students dinner. That means we have a lot of free time! I think I am going to go exploring (maybe go for a run).

Ok, so a little funny thing about today. I got to talk to Ellen (through skype) and the Blankenship family (on FB) this morning (this afternoon in SC), and I was so excited to be talking with them that I completely missed breakfast. Normally, not a big deal. However, when you miss breakfast here, you also miss lunch. You have to fix your own sandwich/salad/wrap at breakfast and then put it in the refrigerator for later. So, I missed TWO meals today. Oh well! It was worth it. :) So, since I missed both meals, I went to the vending machine and got a very nutritional bag of chips and a coke zero. Yep. That will really hold me over! HAHA!

Oh! Also, a little fun fact: Australians call dinner "tea". I had no clue what they kept talking about when they said that tea was at 5:30, so I finally looked at someone and said, "What is tea?" So, they kindly explained to me that it was the night meal and did not laugh at me (to my knowledge). HAHA! Anyway, the next few days are packed full with a lot of events and I don't even know when I will be able to go to the "shopping center" to get stuff that I need. Everything closes early here and it is really throwing me off! I guess I will learn to be a lot more laid back and go with the flow as well as get things done early! I need to learn how to avoid procrastination anyway!

One more thing, Australians swear A LOT!!! Every other word is a cuss word. Now, most of you know that I don't cuss and I get really frustrated when people cuss a lot. So, I'm not exactly used to this. However, it seems extremely common over here. I was walking with a group and there was a family (with kids) near us. Everyone was just cussing up a storm and I looked over my shoulder to see the family. I was immediately embarrassed and wanted to shush everyone, but the family didn't care at all. I guess they are used to it. Don't worry everyone! I don't think I will be coming back with a potty mouth!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Jet lag stinks!

Monday, 2/21/2011 10:52 AM (Adelaide time)/ Sunday 2/20 7:20 PM Darlington time

The Bush Dance was fun (there are no pictures b/c I wasn't dressed up and was running on a couple hours of sleep). A Bush Dance is what we call square dancing. Yes, I did participate! It was really funny, but fun to do. So, I lasted until my luggage arrived at 10 PM (longer than I thought I would). Many of yall know I love to dance, so I guess that helped energize me so I could stay awake longer. When my bags came, I left the dance to unpack, take a shower, and go to sleep. Ok, story on the shower: they are unisex and there is only 1 shower and 1 toilet. Weird! After getting a good 8 hours of sleep, I woke up refreshed but with my stomach killing me! I think it is still adjusting. I wake up starving at night but when I eat a the appropriate time here it gets really angry at me. Oh well, it will adjust.

So, we went to a meeting this morning and have a ton of things planned for this afternoon. Now, I'm just catching up on unpacking and getting in contact with everyone.

Also, I will not even need to go to the gym since I live on the fourth floor and will walk practically a mile uphill to class every day! Whoever said Australia is flat lied to me! It might have something to do with campus being in the middle of the Flinders Ranges. I'm going to have some major calf muscles! It's ok though, I like my exercise and the place is beautiful! Oh, but a little fun fact: Adelaide is pretty much the desert of Australia. So, it is really hot during the day but cold at night!

2/21 4:35 PM
So, there is a little bit of a difference in portion sizes here! They are a good deal smaller than in the US! I mean, I had a mini spring roll and a mini quiche for lunch. Yep! That is lunch here. They also say that Americans are pigs because we eat too much. Hmm... I'm beginning to think that they need to work on their portion sizes as well b/c I do not eat as much as a lot of Americans and this is not enough for me! Also, Adelaide is extremely laid back and go with the flow. They don't do a whole lot of rushing around. Plus, everything closes at 5:00 PM except for on Thursday night when they stay open until 9:30 PM! Woah!!! There is nothing open except for bars. No fast food, no walmart... nothing. It is so different! Well, Daniel, a girl from Hawaii, and I decided to walk around campus after our international students meeting instead of going back to the meeting we were supposed to be in for the hall. The campus is beautiful! Well, I'm getting ready to go to tea (so weird!), dinner, and the beach tonight!

Here are a few of the pictures I took around campus today. I will be taking more when I have more time!

"It's ok if you lose a day today, because you'll gain it back in 4 months"

Ok, so bye bye USA! Hello, Australia! I have officially landed and started moving into my room in Adelaide (started being the key word... you'll get more information on that later).

Feb. 18, 2011 8:19 PM (Eastern Time)
Well, I have been on the plane to LA for about an hour and a half now. To start off with, I was extremely nervous. However, I kept telling myself that it is safer than riding in a car. That really didn't help much. It's my whole issue with control. Obviously, I don't know how to fly a plane so I have no control. Maybe that is one of the lessons God will be teaching me on this adventure.

So, to start off with, my parents and I left around noon for Charlotte. We stopped for a yummy lunch at Bigs and then went on our way. Let me just tell you how little my parents and I know about flying. We were completely lost (A little side note with what is going on right now: TURBULENCE!) Anyway, we went and checked my bags in. My scale at home is not completely accurate, because it weighed 58 lbs NOT 48 lbs. But, thankfully the nice woman in baggage was tired and wanted to go home so she checked my 2nd bag in free of charge! After checking my bags in, I noticed just how long the security line was becoming and felt like we should probably start the process. My mom, however, did not feel the same way. She was trying to make me miss my flight!

Once I finally talked my mom into getting in line, I waited for about 30 minutes. Once I got to the gate I just knew they would let me go through the scanners. Wrong! Apparently they don't want to take chances that someone will pass out on them. Come on now! I think they need a little excitement sometimes! :) Anyway, I had to wait for a female security guard to pat me down. No, I do not feel violated, but I did feel really weird! Anyway, now that I am on the plane, I have gotten really thirsty! So, I have had about a bottle and a half of water. When you're on a plane, that is not necessarily a good idea! But, oh well. You live and learn. Going to read and do a few crossword puzzles. Plus go to the restroom YET again.

3:23 AM (Eastern Time)
So, I am now on the plane to Sydney after almost having a breakdown, because my flight was 50 minutes late arriving in LA and I needed to get through the international customs and board in 5 minutes! Plus, no one seemed to want to give me directions or help me at all. People in LA do not know "southern hospitality"! Anyway, thanks to the very nice international flight attendants, I was able to board the plane for Sydney even though I was extremely late to the gate. I arrived at check-in and was escorted through security (another pat down people!) and was on my flight!

I just had dinner (yes... at 3 AM) and am doing my best to stay awake until it is time for Australia to go to bed. However, I am exhausted! I am on my 2nd episode of NCIS and plan on trying to get some sleep as soon as they take away my meal and turn the lights off (come on people, don't you know it is almost 4 AM in Darlington?!)! Alright, hopefully bedtime soon!

12:51 PM 2/19/2011 (Eastern Time)
Want to know what feels the weirdest right now? That it is breakfast on the flight, but lunchtime in Darlington. The flight attendants have not come back for orders yet and I am starving! Not only will I need to adjust to the different times in order to sleep but I also need to get used to the eating times as well! I have to train my stomach! So, there are only 3 hours and 30 minutes left on my flight to Sydney. I am running on very little sleep. Window seat, aisle seat, middle seat: they're all uncomfortable for 15 hours!

6:56 PM 2/19/2011 (Eastern Time)/ 10:57 AM 2/20/2011 (in Sydney)
So, I am now on my last flight of the longest day ever! I have no luggage, because my bags did not make it to LA in time to be moved (hence why I can't stand to be late!) So, I am hopefully going to get my bags at some point today. The biggest problem is that I don't have contact info for when I'm in Australia yet. The only thing I have right now is an email address. Ok, so my clothes are not here, and my biggest worry is that I have absolutely no summer clothes with me. I did pack a change of clothes in my carry-on, but I was not thinking when I packed jeans! And it is HOT! I also wanted to go for a run so that I don't pass out in the middle of the day b/c it is really the middle of the night in Darlington. But, guess what NO shoes or shorts. But, like I said, hopefully my bags will be here later today.

Moving on to a different topic: CUSTOMS. I waited in line for 45 minutes so they could check and make sure my meals bars and Andes mints are not a danger to anyone. They may be dangerous to my weight, but other than that I think they are pretty safe. Also, they had to check my clipboard. What in the world am I going to do with a clipboard?! Beat someone on the head?! However, I am finally on my flight to Adelaide after losing a whole day. The good thing is that I ran into Daniel (who goes to PC and will be at Flinders with me for the semester) and we are on the same flight! Finally, a familiar face! So, I am now on a much smaller airplane that tends to shake a little more than the others and it is kind of making me nervous. Plus, I need to get money (I have no Australian currency right now). I did use my debit card for something to eat b/c my stomach still thinks I'm in the US. I paid about $13 for a water and a chicken wrap! That's a rip off. No more airport food for me!

Sunday, 2/20/2011 3:38 AM (Darlington time) / 7:09 PM Adelaide time
Yep! I am finally here! and aside from being completely exhausted and having no clothes to wear, everything is going great! The campus is gorgeous (judging by what I've seen) and the weather is great. However, the weather is great if you have shorts and flip flops. I have neither. So, we had this big barbeque with our O-groups (orientation groups) tonight and guess where it was?! Outside b/c it is gorgeous but also hot as fire! However, I really am going to stop complaining about not having luggage. It really could be worse. I'm just exhausted so it seems huge right now! So, now I'm waiting to go to the Bush Dance (one more chance to complain: I don't have the clothes that I packed to wear to the Bush Dance!... ugh... I promise that's all the complaining I will do!) So, anyway, now I am trying to get everything caught up and then will head to the Bush Dance. I think I might make it for an hour or a little more, but I'm starting to feel like I'm walking on air I'm so tired.

Ok, when I got to Flinders, there was an orientation staff there to greet me (kind of like PC!), and they seemed really confused when I got out with only my bookbag. HAHA! Anyway, I did all I could before the barbeque so that when I do get my bags I won't be unpacking everything all at once. My bed is made and I have everything set up. I had to pay $60 for internet! What in the world! That is crazy! Anyway, internet fee is paid and orientation pack is bought (which means I need to go get more money out of the bank). Man, Australia is expensive! So, I have everything ready for when I completely crash in bed tonight. Hmm... It might help if I look and see what time I need to be somewhere tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll unpack a few things out of my suitcase and finish tomorrow! Anyway, gone to the Bush Dance! I will update later.
The view from my window! Overlooking campus!
The view from my window of the gorgeous sunrise on the flight to Sydney.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


AHH!!! Ok, so I leave tonight at 6:00 from Charlotte. I never thought today was going to get here, and now that it is I am ecstatic!!!! I can not wait to fly out. I am a tiny bit nervous about the flight, but other than that I am extremely excited to be going. I have everything labeled, packed, and ready to go. All I need to do is print a few extra pictures to go along with me and get a travel alarm clock. Oh and pack this computer. :) I have everything else done. Everything was actually done Tuesday, but that is due to my obsession with lists.

Ok, so anyway, this is a really short blog b/c I need to try to get a little sleep before I have a 22 hour flight (total not including layovers). However, I wanted to post before I leave. Next post will be from the flight most likely and I will add pictures soon!!!

Countdown: 17 and a half hours until I board the plane!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You need me there when?!

Ok, so the time that I have been waiting for is finally here. Yep... I will be leaving in about 2 days. FRIDAY! Now, I have known for months that I would be going to Australia, but it is really just now starting to set in. Actually, it started registering this past Friday when I thought my departure would be moving up to Monday (that's right... Monday as in yesterday). Ok... Let me start from the beginning.

Thursday night (which would really be Friday morning in Adelaide), I got an email saying I was supposed to be at an International Students Orientation starting Feb 16 (Wednesday). Well, most of you know that my flight is not scheduled until Feb. 18 putting me there on Feb. 20. I have had this flight booked since the beginning of January. So, anyway, I emailed the university and asked what I would be missing since I wasn't scheduled to be there. Long story short, I am supposedly missing a lot of helpful sessions for International Students. Now, I got the response email on Friday morning (before my parents left for work). Along with this email came a complete and total breakdown. I try not to have many of these (especially not in front of anyone), but this breakdown surprised me before I could stop it. I tried my best to explain to my mom that I was not having a breakdown because I was leaving but I was having a breakdown because they were messing with my plans and schedule. (A little sidenote about me: I am a control freak and do not like surprises.) I could not just change my departure date this close to time. However, I did not want to start off behind and completely lost.

Anyway, I went to my dad's school to substitute for half the day and he came to the rescue. My parents decided that if they had to pay a couple hundred dollars extra to make things easier on me then they would. So, my dad and I went to work on trying to get my flight moved up to Monday. So, I called and talked to the company that I ordered my plane ticket from and started the process. The person I talked to said that I would have a flight leaving Monday and we would have to pay $300 plus the flight difference. Now, I didn't think that the flight difference would be too much, after all it's only a difference in a couple of days. So, off I went to try to get things packed and say my good-byes, etc.

So, here comes the freak-out and panic mode. I completely panicked. I hadn't even started packing, still needed to get several items, and was not completely prepared to leave everyone for 5 months yet. It came really fast at me and I thought I was going to have this whole week to prepare. Well, anyway, after I had my minor freakout (or major), I got home to an email from the company that said they could not complete my flight change request because it was going to be too big of a price difference. Apparently, the flight went up $5000 when I tried to change it. No, I did not add too many zeros there. You read it right. 5 thousand dollars. Even if the company would have allowed me to change it, that was way too much money.

So, after all of my breakdowns and freakouts, I am back to my original plan of leaving on Friday. Whew. Friday is coming fast though, and I am getting extremely excited as well as a little nervous. I have my suitcase packed (only 1 suitcase and it is 45 lbs... I'm pretty proud) and I have almost my whole carry-on packed. I just need to add my computer and other small things. So, now that I'm almost completely packed and ready, I still have my good-byes left and way too much time on my hands. I had prepared to have to do lists and lists of things this week with little time to think about leaving home until the day actually came. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited and still can't believe that I'm going through with this and that my parent's agreed to this. But, I'm also extremely nervous to be leaving the comfort of home and leaving all of my friends and family. Yes, I will be back, but 5 months really is a pretty long time.

So, God really does know what He is doing. He knew that I still needed time to prepare and closed that leaving early door right in my face. God can be so blunt sometimes and so quiet a minute later.

This whole trip is completely God's doing. I don't know if I have actually told the story of how this trip came about. So, hmm... let me start out by saying that I never in a million years thought I would study abroad. I loved the idea of it, but I never thought I would have the courage to go through with it, and I definitely did not think that my parents would agree. However, I kept getting this nagging feeling that I couldn't just settle with a week away. I needed a little more time than that. So, first I went to the study abroad office to talk about summer programs. Not too long, but longer than a couple of weeks right? I thought that sounded like a perfect idea to me. However, God doesn't give up that easy! I still could not get a semester abroad out of my mind. So, I decided that I was going to talk to my parents about it. I had a whole list of things to tell them about why this was a wonderful opportunity and how it would help me in the future. I went into this knowing fully that my parents would never agree to a semester in another country. Boy was I wrong! The idea didn't thrill them, but they were actually okay about it.

So, from there I went to talk to the study abroad office again. I went into the office thinking that I would apply for next Fall. The deadline had already passed for this spring and I didn't want to miss my last semester at PC (or my own graduation!). So, I went in with that idea. After talking with the person, I left with an application to study abroad for this spring. That flew at me from nowhere. The deadline had already passed, but there was still an opening in Australia. I called my parents and went on with the plan. My passport came back in only 3 weeks (without being expedited), my Visa was accepted in less than a day, and everything has just fallen into place. So, with that being said, I don't know what God has in store for me but it has got to be something BIG and I can't wait to find out what it is.

Countdown: 2 days

Monday, February 7, 2011

Subbing and preparing!

So, it's getting closer and closer to when I will be leaving for Australia! I have said my good-byes for now to all of my friends at PC and visiting Sarah Burke at Furman. Now, I'm trying to get everything together! It's craziness in my room due to making birthday presents, trying to figure out what I need to pack, as well as the craziness of my life (substitute teaching) lately!

Substitute teaching.... Hmm, there are only a few words necessary to give a description. Not. Enough. Money. I have the utmost respect for all of those who choose substitute teaching as a profession. Now, my parents are both work in public education, so I have always respected teachers and know just how tough their jobs are. However, subbing has reinforced that respect! Kids are crazy!

So... I'm going to go to bed (yes I'm a grandma!) since I need to get up at the crack of dawn in the morning. However, on the plus side this is my last week of substitute teaching and I will be on a plane for Australia NEXT FRIDAY! So, 11 days and counting....