Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas at Home

Hello Bloggers! I have decided to join the blogging world to prepare for my semester in Australia so that everyone who wants to know what is going on on the other side of the world can read to find out! Though I am not in Australia yet, I decided I would get an early start on blogging. :)

The Christmas season always starts off with my mom trying to get the perfect Christmas card picture. This, let me tell you, is not an easy task. It usually ends up being a 30 minute ordeal with my brother complaining about how many pictures my mom is taking, my mom complaining about how my brother refuses to smile, and me trying to explain to my brother that if he would just smile once we would be done. This year, however, it was not difficult at all! Jonathan smiled in almost every picture and we only ended up taking 5 pictures total in about 5 minutes! Let me tell you this was an exciting time!

Today, I spent my first “real” day on break in my pajamas reading a book and getting caught up on some “me” time. Around 3 in the afternoon, I did have to go apply for a Christmas job at the new steak house in Darlington. So, some of you may know that I am going to be substitute teaching while I’m home until February so that I can save some money for Australia. Well, a few weeks ago I decided it would be a good idea to get two jobs! Let’s see how this works out. But, anyway, after going to talk to a person about a job, it was time to babysit two of my favorite children (there are several). We enjoyed a night of Chuck E Cheese’s and Hot Chocolate (from Starbucks).

Ok. Chuck E Cheese’s used to be one of the coolest places on earth when I was little. I have to admit, I still enjoy a game every now and then. Well, while I was sitting at a table watching the kids play, I saw a little boy (maybe 4 years old) climb into the basketball game (yes INSIDE) and start throwing the basketballs out. He decided that he wanted to continue playing without using his tokens I guess. I really wish I could have snapped a picture of this little boy. He was inside the part of the game where the basketball net is (not just the basketballs). It was definitely a sight to see.

Tomorrow, I will be spending the day with Mr. Renny cleaning. This is a bi-annual event where I go to his house and do DEEP cleaning. Now, let me tell you about the last time I cleaned Mr. Renny’s house (this summer). The first day, Mr. Renny and I went strong. We threw bags and bags and bags of trash away in just the dining room area. Then, the next day we went to the den. We moved around the house like that for a week. By the end of the week, Mr. Renny was tired of cleaning, but if you know me you know I was still going strong. So, Mr. Renny left me to cleaning the kitchen while he ran errands. Well, his kitchen is about as organized as the “Junk Drawer” that everyone has somewhere in the house. So, I started making my way through the cabinets trying to organize them so that I could put the dishes, medicine, food, and dog food (he has a german shepherd named Aubette) on the counter into separate cabinets/drawers. Well, about half way through this task, Mr. Renny says, “Don’t touch my cabinets! You are your mother’s child, and I haven’t been able to find any of my stuff since she got a hold of my kitchen!” After negotiating with Mr. Renny, we decided that I would organize the cabinets but keep everything in their original places. (I did however throw away the out of date food items and a few other things that I figured he would never know are gone. But, apparently, I was wrong because I got calls for weeks telling me that I owed him food because all of his was gone.) After a successful week of cleaning and dodging the big german shepherd that seems to be under the impression that I am a chew toy, Mr. Renny and I usually go out to eat for lunch and deliver his Christmas presents (or in the summer time, letters to the coaches and players at Darlington High School or deliver birthday presents).

So, I hope that gives you a little taste of the excitement that tomorrow will bring.

P.S. A little countdown until my semester in Australia begins: exactly 2 months until I will be arriving in Australia.

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