Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Final Stretch
3 days until this will be true for mind AND body:
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Intimidation Factor
A little sidenote: I ran out of internet Tuesday and didn't see the point in paying $40 for less than 2 weeks, so I am currently writing this on a computer in the library. Well, the guy at the computer beside me was cussing and making signs at the computer earlier. He has now moved to opening the CD drive and putting a pen in it to stop it from going back in. I don't know whether to be afraid or bust out laughing. Considering it is the end of the first of two exam weeks, I'm thinking laughing is not a good option.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Masterpiece of Light
We are all here for a purpose. Each one unique and special. There is no purpose that is the same. The beauty of that is that each purpose fulfilled comes together in a beautiful masterpiece that God has created. I see each purpose as a color. When mixing colors, you have to start out with the three basic primary colors. Now, I make the connection that there are also three branches of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We each need to have a relationship with the Son, and through our relationship with the Son, we know the Father. Also, before the Son left for Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit into us. So, we have three primary colors in our lives to start off with. As long as we have those three colors, no matter what mistakes we make in the mixture of those colors, we will always have a purpose. The resulting colors are limitless, and no masterpiece is complete without each color required. Light is also a mixture of all the colors. Combined, they form something so bright that it is hard to hide. With each purpose fulfilled and working together, the body of Christ forms a light that cannot be hidden. So, not only do we all have a purpose; We all have a unique and special one. There is only one “me” and one “you” in the world, and that person is special, unique, and has a God-given purpose. No one else can live my purpose out as well as I can, so it is my responsibility to do so.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
A little bit of country Australia and Swotvac!
So, once we got to Tessa's house Friday night, we joined her dad at a pub for dinner (apparently that is pretty common?). They did have pretty good food! After dinner, we went fox hunting. That was my first and LAST time hunting. Before we got going, I asked Tessa what they usually do with the animals (I was thinking maybe cook them... I had never heard of a dish with fox at home, but Australia does have different foods.) Well, she informed me that they usually just feed them to the dogs. Ok! Stop right there. So, you mean to tell me they just go kill animals for fun?! They asked me if I wanted to trying shooting the gun, but there was no way I was shooting anything! (I mean... I might would have shot at a tree to see if I could, but I definitely was not shooting an animal for fun.) I even had to close my eyes and look away when they got close enough to shoot it. While we were chasing it on the truck, I was secretively (or maybe not so secretively...) cheering for the rabbit to get away. I just felt so bad for the poor things! So... needless to say, I will most definitely not be going fox hunting again. We ended up going shopping, sight-seeing, and to Tessa's younger brother's footie game as well.
Now that I'm back at the Hall, the studies have officially begun. Everything is going pretty well in the studying department, but equally as well in the procrastination department also. At least I know how to balance my time! :-) I have completed 2 assignments and even turned one in a day early! So, I would say that is pretty successful! On another note, the food has been amazing and is supposed to be equally as good for the next 2 weeks. Apparently, they hold out for the end of the semester instead of cleaning out the kitchen like PC! I mean we have little treats spread out throughout the day for the next 2 weeks plus soup! I didn't realize how good soup is on a cold day until I went without it for a few cold weeks! I am definitely enjoying the vegetable soup!
Countdown to USA: 15 days!