So, when they came up with the idea of exam week(s) (whoever that bright person was), they obviously did not think about the negative effects that it would have on the poor college students having to go through them. We all know the obvious: lack of sleep, elevated caffeine levels, junk food, etc. (I have done pretty well in avoiding the usual negative effects... except the occasional sweet, but a little bit of sweets never hurt anyone, right?) But, there is also a hidden one: an aching back. Now, some of you may know from experience that hunched over a desk for hours a day does damage to your posture and does not feel great! So, since I am now preparing for my last exam and have been in that position for the past 2 weeks, I decided to move to my bed. That is not any better unfortunately, but it does help build your strength if you're trying to withstand temptation. :-) Because let me tell you, my bed is really comfortable when I lie down. But, I only have 2 more days of studying and then my final exam is on Friday! So, I can do this! (Does anyone else hear the little engine who could in the background? "I think I can... I think I can... I think I can..." )
3 days until this will be true for mind AND body:
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